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Nutribal BEETROOT Natural Antioxidants

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Unlock the incredible! This vibrant superfood has a rich history of use in both cuisine and natural medicine, offering a spectrum of benefits;

🩹 Recovery aid for post-exercise muscle soreness.
🚴 Enhance performance during short, intense bouts.
❤️ Improve heart health and regulate blood pressure and glucose.
🧠 Enhance brain function and regional brain perfusion.

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Nutribal BEETROOT Natural Antioxidants

Gluten-freeVegetarianLactose-freeAllergen-freeHormone-freeAll naturalAntibiotic-freeCorn-freeVegan friendly


Beetroot: A Root of Historical and Nutritional Significance

Nestled in the annals of culinary history is the humble beetroot, a vibrant and versatile root vegetable that has left an indelible mark on our plates and, perhaps surprisingly, in the realm of medicine. Its journey through time is a fascinating one, demonstrating its evolution from wild greens to a superfood renowned for its rich nutritional profile and numerous health benefits.

The Origins of Beetroot

The beetroot, scientifically known as Beta vulgaris, is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region, with its wild ancestor being the sea beet. These wild plants are known to have grown in the coastal areas around the Mediterranean Sea, where they captured the attention of foragers and herbalists due to their edible leaves. It wasn't long before the cultivation of beetroots began, primarily for their leaves and later for their sweet and earthy-tasting roots.

Historical accounts suggest that the ancient Egyptians were among the first to cultivate and utilize beetroot, primarily for its medicinal properties. Evidence of its cultivation and use can be traced back to the period of the Pharaohs. These early civilizations regarded beetroot as a valuable source of food, medicine, and even an offering to the gods.

Beetroot in Ancient Medicine and Cuisine

In ancient times, beetroot was not merely an ingredient in culinary preparations but held a distinct place in traditional medicine. The Greeks were known to use beetroot leaves to treat various ailments, while the Romans employed it as a laxative and digestive aid. The medicinal applications of beetroot were further expanded in medieval Europe, where it was used as a treatment for various ailments, from fevers to constipation.

As time progressed, beetroot's culinary significance began to shine. Its roots were transformed into various culinary creations, from savory dishes to sweet treats. However, it was in the early 19th century that beetroot's destiny took a pivotal turn when it was discovered to be a rich source of sucrose, a form of sugar. The development of sugar beet farming marked the beginning of the modern beetroot industry, especially in Europe, and led to its widespread use as a food source.

The Beetroot Renaissance

Today, beetroot stands as a nutritional powerhouse, celebrated for its remarkable composition. It is an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, folate, and manganese. Its rich color is due to pigments like betalains, which possess antioxidant properties. These qualities make beetroot a valuable addition to a balanced diet, providing numerous health benefits, from supporting heart health to promoting exercise performance and recovery.

Additionally, beetroot's modern resurgence has brought to light its vegan-friendly status, making it an integral part of plant-based diets. Naturally abundant in organic nitrates, beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) can promote nitric oxide generation, lower blood pressure, increase oxygen delivery to active muscles, and improve athletic performance. Beetroots contain high levels of antioxidant polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in folate (vitamin B9), which is responsible for growth, development, and heart health.

From its humble origins along the Mediterranean coast to its modern status as a superfood and culinary delight, beetroot's journey is a testament to the enduring significance of nature's offerings. With its versatility in the kitchen, array of health benefits, and vegan-friendly attributes, beetroot continues to inspire, nourish, and rejuvenate, proving that the simplest of roots can indeed yield the most profound of riches.


In the realm of natural supplements, beetroot stands out as a true gem,
offering a multitude of benefits for your body and mind. From muscle
recovery to sports performance, cardiovascular health, and even mental well-being, beetroot's rich nutrients and compounds have been
extensively studied to unveil their remarkable advantages.

🔁 Enhanced Recovery

Research indicates that regular beetroot juice intake reduces post-exercise muscle soreness and sustains superior performance during recovery, a boon for athletes. Source

🏆 Sports Performance

Beetroot showcases its ergogenic capabilities in high-intensity,
short-duration exercises with brief recovery intervals, ensuring you
stay at your peak during demanding workouts. Source

❤️ Cardio Health

Human studies affirm the versatile benefits of beetroot, from regulating
blood pressure, inhibiting platelet aggregation, to improving vascular
health and blood glucose control, a holistic approach to heart care. Source

🧠 Mental Health

Dietary nitrate in beetroot may enhance regional brain perfusion in
critical areas linked to executive functioning, offering potential
support for cognitive well-being, particularly in older adults. Source

The journey through beetroot's many advantages reveals a holistic
approach to well-being. Whether you seek faster recovery, improved
sports performance, a healthier heart, or enhanced mental clarity,
beetroot's natural bounty has something to offer. As the research
continues, beetroot remains a beacon of hope for those aspiring to lead healthier, more active lives, and unlocking its full potential may be
the key to your wellness journey.

**The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any


Ingredients: Organic Beetroot Powder (beta vulgaris), Cellulose (Vegetable Capsule), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate.

Manufacturer Country: USA 🇺🇸

Product Amount: 60 caps

Gross Weight: 0.25lb (133g)

Suggested Use: Take two (2) capsules once a day as a dietary supplement. For best results, take 20-30 min before a meal with an 8oz glass of water or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.

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Gluten-freeVegetarianLactose-freeAllergen-freeHormone-freeAll naturalAntibiotic-freeCorn-freeVegan friendly

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Jennifer Young

I have seen so many results with this. I take it in the morning and at night. I have noticed less soreness and more energy to push harder and longer in my workouts. This has also helped me a lot with my gut health! I have noticed better digestion overall. Very satisfied with this product! 100% recommend!

Kimber Horne
Excellent post workout and helped my muscles recover

Excellent post workout and helped my muscles recover. It has also help me build more muscle after my lifts. I am prepping for a bodybuilding show, my first one, so muscle building is very important to me. Will purchase again

James Howard
Gets results

I’ve been using your products for about a year off and on. The growth surge has given me such great results. Combining that with more and more of your products has been incredible.

Valentino Briggs
Great product for those serious about lifting

This product is amazing. Along with the right diet and proper routine, this product will definitely help with muscle recovery and overall strength as well.

Jayden Mann
Fast effective results

I love how you can tell the difference with and without the product. Also there’s no effects

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