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Nutribal RESVERATROL Vino Vital 50% 600mg

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Resveratrol is an antioxidant-like compound that promotes heart health and supports weight loss. 

❤️ Cardiovascular health
🍇 Antioxidant
🏋️‍♀️ Weight control
🕰️ Anti-aging

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Nutribal RESVERATROL Vino Vital 50% 600mg

Gluten-free Vegetarian Lactose-free Allergen-free Hormone-free All natural No fillers Vegan friendly Sugar-free

Resveratrol is a plant compound with potent antioxidant functionality. Resveratrol is found mainly in red wine, red grapes, berries, and peanuts. It is most concentrated in the skin of grape skins and seeds. 

Resveratrol has been linked to many exciting health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, supporting brain health, and controlling weight loss. These, coupled with antioxidant abilities, make the perfect daily supplement.


🦠 Resveratrol for Immune System
A review offers a systematic understanding of how resveratrol targets multiple inflammatory components and exerts immune-regulatory effects on immune cells.

❤️ Resveratrol for Blood Pressure
In clinical trials, resveratrol moderately diminished systolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients and blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus.

🚫 Resveratrol for Anti-Inflammatory Action
In this review, the anti-inflammatory activity and the mechanism of resveratrol modulate the inflammatory response are examined.

🩺 Resveratrol for Metabolic Syndrome
Resveratrol could be a useful regimen for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome and its related conditions.



Ingredients: see Supplement Facts.

Manufacturer Country: USA

Product Amount: 60 caps

Bruto Weight: 0.25lb (113g)

Suggested Use: Take one (1) veggie capsule twice a day as a dietary supplement. For best results, take 20-30 min before a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

Warning: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.

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The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Gluten-free Vegetarian Lactose-free Allergen-free Hormone-free All natural No fillers Vegan friendly Sugar-free

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Isabelle Phillips
Great for health

Take these for my healthy heart routine. They are easy to swallow and I think they are a great product. I think they are essential to my health.

Jon Carey
Doctor Recommended

My husband says he can tell a difference when he is not taking it. Highly recommend!

Neymar Bridges
A gift purchase

I purchased these for my Mom who takes them after hearing about them from a friend.

Morgan Scott
Great supplement

it's a great supplement for me.

Eva Hamilton
Great product and value

Easy to swallow. Great health results with regular use. For healthy heart ❤️

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